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Book Name: Tajweed Rules

Complete Salah(Namaz) Guide For Men. Step By Step

Lesson 1

Introduction To Tajweed


Tajweed means beautification.


Tajweed is a set of linguistic and pronunciation rules used in reciting the Quran saying each letter with its right mode of articulation and in its right place of articulation as same as the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was reciting.


The Noble Qur’an is the literal words of Allah that He revealed as an infallible source of legislation for mankind to live an organised life by. It contains regulations and recommendations about all aspects of life and references to the Hereafter. Being so important, the Qur’an must be read, written, and recited correctly and clearly, so as not to create any sort of ambiguity or misunderstanding whatsoever. Allah Almighty addressed His Messenger, Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention), in the Qur’an, Saying (what means): “…And recite the Qur’an with measured recitation.” [Qur’an 73:4]

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ‏ لَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ لَمْ يَتَغَنَّ بِالْقُرْآنِ

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, ‘Whoever does not recite Qur’an in a nice voice is not from us,

(Sahih al-Bukhari 7527)

Lesson 2

Harakaat / Movement

There are three short vowel signs that are known in Arabic as “Harakaat”, which literally means ‘motions’. The short vowel marks enable the letter to produce a sound in a manner similar to the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in the English Langudge . The three short vowels (Harakaaat) are Fatah , Kasrah and Dammah .


The Fatḥah is a small line placed above a letter, which enables the letter to produce a short “a” sound, (like the “a” sound in the beginning of the word “up”). For example, the letter ج “Jeem” when Fatha is placed on it. it produces “a” sound and ج becomes جَ “Ja”.


ب      ◌َ     بَ


The Kasrah is a small line (same as Fatha) placed below a letter, which enables the letter to produce a short “e”, (like the “e” sound in the word “be”). For example, the letter ج “Jeem” when a Kasrah is placed on it, it produces a short “e” sound and Jeem ج becomes جِ “Je”.


ب      ◌ِ     بِ


The ḍammah is a small curl-shaped sign placed above a letter, which enables the letter to produce a short “u” (like the “u” sound in the word “put”). For example, the letter ج “Jeem” when a Dammah is placed on it. it produces a short “u” sound and Jeem ج becomes جُ “J”.


ب      ◌ُ     بُ

Lesson 3

Sukoon / Jazam

Sukoon is a sign. It looks like tiny Daal .It always comes at top of the letter .

The letters with “Sukoon” are called as “Sakinah” . The letter which carries Sukoon is not to be read separately, this is to be read by joining it with the previous letter .


اُقْ      اَطْ      اُبْ      اُجْ      اَدْ      اِدْ

Lesson 4

Tanveen ◌ٌ  ◌ٍ  ◌ً 

Double Fatha, double Kasrah,double Dhammah are called as Tanween .The noon as sakeena is hidden in writing, but it is spoken orally and sound is that of noon as sakeena .Double Fatha, double Kasrah and double Dhammah alway appear at the end of the word.

1-Double Fatha

It always comes top of the letter .


حًا      دًا      رًا      ءًا      سًا

2-Double Kasrah

It always comes bottom of the letter.


فٍ      ذٍ      ضٍ      قٍ      تٍ

3-Double Dammah

It always comes top of the letter.


حٌ      دٌ      رٌ      ءٌا      سٌ

Lesson 5

Maddah Letters


Maddah meaning is “stretch something” .

There are three Maddah letters which will be prolonged for 2 second .

1-Alif Maddah

When Alif comes after a fatah letter ,it is called Alif Maddah . The letter sound is stretched for two second .


طَا      عَا      لَا      فَا      قَا      يَا

ذَاتَ      خَافَ      كَانَ      قَالَ      رَانَ      تَابَ

2-Wao Maddah

If a Dammah letter followed by a wao saakinah . It is called Wao-Maddah . The letter sound is stretched for two second.


اُوْ      حُوْ      لُوْ      سُوْ      زُوْ      دُوْ

اُوْ      تِىَ      زُوْ      رًا      بُوْ      رِكَ

3-Yaa Maddah

If a Kasrah letter is followed by a Yaa Saakinah , it is called yaa-maddah . The letter sound is stretched for two second.


اِىْ      زِىْ      فِىْ      جِىْ      شِىْ      دِىْ

تَجْ      زِىْ      مِىْ      قَاتًا      يَمْ      شِىْ

Lesson 6

Standing Harakaat

There are three standing harkaat ,these are stretched for two second.

1-Standing Fatha

It is tiny alif ,always comes top of the letters .It is prolonged for two second.


بَ    بٰ              اٰلَ    اٰدَمَ    اٰمَنَ    اٰثَرَ

2-Standing Kasrah

It is tiny alif ,always comes top of the letters .It is prolonged for two second.


ىِ    ىٖ              بِهٖ    اٰلِهٖ    هٰذِهٖ    اٖلٰفِ

3-Standing Dammah

It is tiny alif ,always comes top of the letters .It is prolonged for two second.


لُ    لٗ              اُذُنُهٗ    جَعَلَهٗ    فَلَهٗ    رُسُلُهٗ

Lesson 7

Leen Letters

Leen meaning is soft and light . There are two leen letters.

1-Wao Leen

When wao Saakinah comes after Fatah . It is called Wao Leen .It is read softly without stretching .


اُوْ   جَوْ              سَوْفَ   فَوْتَ    يَوْمَ   رَوْحٌ

2-Yaa Leen

When Yaa Saakinah comes after Fatah . It is called Yaa Leen .It is read softly without stretching.


ذَىْ   رَىْ              اَيْنَ   بَيْثُ    حَيْثُ   خَيْرٌ

Lesson 8

Throat Letters

There are 6 Throat Letters .These are pronounced from three level of throat .
1-These two letters are pronunced from top part of throat.


غ      خ

2-These two letters are pronunced from middle part of throat.


ع      ح

3-These two letters are pronunced from bottom part of throat.


ه      ء

Lesson 9

Bold Letters

There are seven bold letters. These are pronounced with heavy and strong voice at all.


خ      ص      ض      ط      ظ      غ      ق

Lesson 10

Rules of Raa and Laam

The Rules of Raa

Raa (ر )is a letter that can be pronounced as either light or heavy, depending on certain conditions.
The rules change according to whether.
A) Raa is Sakinah
B) Raa is mutaharrik (i.e. it has some harakah on it

1-When Raa is Mutaharrik

If Raa has a Fat-hah or a dhamma on it, then it is always pronounced heavy, as in the following examples:


أَ دْ رَ ا كَ      رَا ضِ يَ ةٍ      نَ ا رٌ      وَ ا لْ رُ وْ حُ

2-When Raa is Light

If Raa has a kasrah on it, then it is always pronounced light, as in the following:


ا لْ بَ رِ يَّ ةِ      فَ ا لْ مُ وْ رِ يَ ا تِ      ا لْ خَ يْ رِ

3-When Raa Is Sakinah

If Raa is Sakinah, then we look at the harakah of the letter before it. If the letter before the Raa Sakinah has a Fathah or a dhamma on it, then it is always pronounced heavy, as in the following examples:


فَ أَ ثَ رْ نَ      تَ رْ جُ فُ

4-Heavy Raa Sakinah After Hamzatul Wasl

If the letter preceding Raa Sakinah has a kasrah on it, then the Raa Sakinah is pronounced light, unless: A) if the Raa Sakinah is coming right after a hamzatul wasl: It will always be pronounced heavy, regardless of the harakah on the letter before Hamzat-ul-Wasl


لِ مَ نِ ا رْ تَ ضَ ىٰ

4-Heavy Raa Followed By Heavy Letter And Preceded By A Kasrah

If the Raa Sakinah is followed by one of the heavy letters in the same word: If the heavy letter has a kasrah, the Raa Sakinah is pronounced light ¡ Otherwise the Raa is pronounced heavy , See the examples on the following slide ¡ Heavy letters are:


لَ بِ ا لْ مِ رْ صَ ا دِ      قِ رْ طَ ا سٍ      إِ رْ صَ ا دً ا

5-Examples Of Light Raa Followed By A Heavy Letter And Preceded By A Kasrah

فِ رْ قٍ

6-Heavy Raa Sakinah Preceded Sakinah Letter Preceded By A Letter With A Fat-hah Or Dhamma On It

If the Raa Sakinah is preceded by another Sakinah letter (because we have to stop at the Raa Sakinah), then we look at the harakah of the letter before that Sakinah letter.


عَ شْ رٍ      صُ فْ رٌ

7-Examples Of Light Raa Sakinah Preceded By A Sakinah Letter Preceded By A Letter With A Kasrah On It

حِ جْ رٍ

An Exception

An exception to this rule is that a Raa Sakinah preceded by a yaa Sakinah (ْي) is ALWAYS pronounced light, even if the letter preceding that yaa Sakinah has a Fat-hah or dhamma on it, such as:
خَ يْ ر      قَ دِ يْ ر

The Rules Of Laam (Allah)

The letter Laam of the word Allah has special rule to distinguish it from the Laam in other words.It may be bold or light.


If word Allah followed by Fatah or Dammah .It is pronounced with bold voice. Example,

اللّٰهُ اَكْبَرُ      وَاَللّٰهُ      اِنَّ اللّٰهَ


If word Allah followed by Kasrah .It is pronounced with light voice. Example,

بَاللّٰهِ      وَلِلّٰهِ      بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ

Lesson 11

Rules of Noon sakin & Tanveen

There are four rules of Tajweed applied on Noon Sakinah and Tanveen.The rules are applied on the Noon Sakinah in the same way that they are applied on Tanveen.
The four rules are:


Meaning is merging


Merge with Ghunnah: If a Noon-Saakinah or a Tanween is followed by any of these letters ی م ن و then merge the ن or the Tanween with the these letters This merger is indicated by a Shaddah sign on the these letters . To merge Noon Saakinah with (ن م و ى)the symbol (w) is placed, The same rule is also applied for Tanween.


ى      وُجُوهُ      ُ      يَوْمَئِذٍ

و      وَاَلِدٍ      وَمَاوَلَد

م      قَومُ      ُ      مُسْرِفُونَ

ن      شَيْءٍ      نُكُرٍ

Merge with Ghunnah: If a Noon-Saakinah or a Tanween is followed by any of these letters ی م ن و then merge the ن or the Tanween with the these letters This merger is indicated by a Shaddah sign on the these letters . To merge Noon Saakinah with (ن م و ى)the symbol (w) is placed, The same rule is also applied for Tanween.


ل      مِنْ لَّدُنْهُ

ر      غَفُورُ الرَّحِيم

Exception: This rule won’t applied in the four following words .Yaa and Waa are come after Noon sakin in the same word.


دُنُيَا      بُنْيَان      صِنْوَان      قِنْوَان


Meaning is change


If the Noon Sakinah or Tanveen followed by a letter baa then Noon is replaced tiny Meem with a Ghunnah.


مِنۢ بَعْدِ      فَأَ نۢبَتْنَا


Meaning is Show


If the Noon Sakinah or Tanveen followed by a letter baa then Noon is replaced tiny Meem with a Ghunnah.


مِنْ خَلْفِهِم      ظُلْمًا إِنَّمَا


Meaning is hiding


If the Noon Sakinah and Tanveen followed by any of fifteen Ikhfa letters then close tip of the tongue to makhraj of Ikhfaa letters without touching and read with nasal sound.

Ikhfa Letters:

ت ث ج د ذ ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ف ق ك


ذُرِّيَّةً ضِعَفًا      فَإِنْ كُنَّ      عَلِيْمًا كَبِيْرًا

Lesson 12


There are 5 Qalqalah letters .Which are pronounced with jerking sound if they have Sukoon or Tashdeed Sign.

ق ط ب ج د

Example with sukoon

فَقَدْ      تَجْرِى      نَقْضِهِم      بَطْشَ

Example with Tashdeed

بِالْحَقِّ      رَبِّهِمْ

Lesson 13


Tashdeed looks like tiny “w”. It always comes top of the letter.It is pronounced two times.It can’t be pronounced without connecting with previous “Mutaharrik” letter.


اَبَّ    اَبْ بَ      اَجَّ    اَجْ جَ      اَشَّ    اَشْ شَ

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