
We offer a Progressive fee structure:

  1. 100% FREE Trial and Assessment classes.
  2. 10% discount for the second student.
  3. Monthly Fee is charged on a monthly basis in advance after the trial classes.
  4. Customized Monthly plan for deserving students.

Plan A

2 Classes Weekly
$ 45 Monthly
  • 8 Classes Monthly
  • 20-30 Minutes Session
  • One-On-One Live Class
  • 30 days Refund Policy

Plan B

3 Classes Weekly
$ 55 Monthly
  • 12 Classes Monthly
  • 20-30 Minutes Session
  • One-On-One Live Class
  • 30 days Refund Policy

Plan C

4 Classes Weekly
$ 60 Monthly
  • 16 Classes Monthly
  • 20-30 Minutes Session
  • One-On-One Live Class
  • 30 days Refund Policy

Plan D

5 Classes Weekly
$ 65 Monthly
  • 20 Classes Monthly
  • 20-30 Minutes Session
  • One-On-One Live Class
  • 30 days Refund Policy

Payment Methods

PayPal, All Credit / Debit Cards, Western Union or Bank Transfer

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