
قُلۡ اَعُوۡذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِۙ‏﴿۱﴾

Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind

مَلِكِ النَّاسِۙ‏﴿۲﴾

The Sovereign of mankind

اِلٰهِ النَّاسِۙ‏﴿۳﴾

The God of mankind

مِنۡ شَرِّ الۡوَسۡوَاسِ  ۙ الۡخَـنَّاسِ ۙ‏﴿۴﴾

From the evil of the retreating whisperer

الَّذِىۡ يُوَسۡوِسُ فِىۡ صُدُوۡرِ النَّاسِۙ‏﴿۵﴾

Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind

مِنَ الۡجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ‏﴿۶﴾

From among the jinn and mankind

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